
Fight for hope

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Don’t you go.
There’ll be no tomorrow.
Fight for hope.
Defeat the sorrow.

If you go,
We’re no more.
Things will just
Fall apart.
You’ll fight now.
We don’t want you
Gone, our friend.

Every day of life
Is just worth a shot,
So, hold on!

Don’t you go.
There’ll be no tomorrow.
Fight for hope.
Defeat the sorrow.

Fight it and
Don’t give up.
Stand up
And raise your arms.
We’re here
For you.
So, feel it
And brace yourself.

Every day of life
Is just worth a shot,
So, hold on,
On, on, on and on!

Don’t you go.
There’ll be no tomorrow.
Fight for hope.
Defeat the sorrow.

Added: , martin