Well trained
Well armed
Go in
Flash them out
(Malcolm X): Beacuse we know,
When we add up all those interests
That’s gonna make the fucking difference
Between winners and loosers
Y eah!!!
Between living and dy ing
They are violent in Korea
Violent in Germany
Violent in a South Pacific
Violent in Cuba
They are violent wherever they go!
(TGM): „Vy stříhejte se všeho mlsání
A nepíjte žádný ch nápojú alkoholický ch“
Well trained
Well armed
Go in
Flash them out
Distinguished guests
Brothers and sisters
Ladie s and gentlemen
Friends and enemies
They are violent in Korea
Violent in Germany
Violent in a South Pacific
They are violent in Cuba
They are violent wherever they go!
That’s a team, gentlemen
And either we heal NOW as a team
Or we will die as individuals…