Přehled skladeb interpreta - Olaf Olafsonn and the Big Bad Trip

A bolt from the blue
A Ghastly Rite of Passage
Beginning of end
City on the edge
Cloak of Fire, Bed of Brimstone
Enigmatic Inscription on the Tombstone of T. I.
Floating on the Steaming Waters of the Underground River
Full divinity
Guardians of the temple
Hard Chakra Meditation
How many times have you died before?
Chaos Insignia
Profane to sacred
Ramparts of marble
Red Clouds Over the Burial Ground
Sacred Fucking Revelation
Soft Chakra Meditation
Soul Retrieved
Swamp rite
Temple of comus
The blizzard: Howling winds and crystals of ice
The cycle: Night at the graveyard of the ancestors
The dark: The longest night in the valley
The decay: The canopy of stone cracks open
The feathers: The birds return
The festival: The taste of blood from human sacrifice
The forest: Reanimation of the young goddess of summer
The Frigid Air and Its Coiled Needles
The harvest: Sacred unity of heaven and earth
The journey: Cold waters of the wild stream
The mire: Death on the forest floor
The morning frost: The howling of the sylphids
The portal
The rain: Chewing on the branches of the tree of insight
The snow: The serenity of white fields
The sun: Dawn at the graveyard of the ancestors
The thaw: Shedding the antlers of winter
The waiting, pt. I: The icy crown of the she-lich
The waiting, pt. II: A frozen scythe for the hopes of spring
The Witch
Transcendental Trickery
Vultures circling the void
Woodland shrines